
Bonhôte Sustainable Development Day

Vendée Arctique 2022, I had a real breakthrough

Vendée Arctique 2022, I had a real breakthrough

Alan Roura had a magnificent start at the front on 12th June in the Vendée Arctique.

After a few hours of racing, he chose a westerly option which did not favour him in the rankings, but then made a magnificent comeback. 

He finished in 7th place in a competition that was prematurely stopped due to very difficult weather conditions. 

Alan Roura, on course for the 2022 Vendée Arctique

Alan Roura, on course for the 2022 Vendée Arctique

Alan Roura started the 2022 Vendée Arctique on Sunday. This unprecedented 3,500 mile race will take the solo skippers to the edge of the Arctic Circle.

After an excellent start, Alan experienced some technical problems that put him at the back of the pack, but nothing is done yet for the participants, who should be back in Les Sables d'Olonne around 23rd June.

Alan Roura - 52 minutes

Alan Roura - 52 minutes

Alan Roura was the guest of the editorial team of the comedy programme 52 minutes on RTS.

Click on the image below to watch his interview:


Alan Roura, 15th of the Guyader Bermudes 1000 Race

Alan Roura, 15th of the Guyader Bermudes 1000 Race

Alan Roura crossed the finish line of the Guyader Bermuda 1000 Race, the first race of the IMOCA 2022 championship, this Saturday 14th May at 23:26 in 15th position, after 6 days, 8 hours and 46 minutes of racing. This is an enriching first experience for the young skipper aboard his new boat, which means that he is already qualified for the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe.

Vorsichtiger Start für Alan auf der Guyader Bermudes 1000

Vorsichtiger Start für Alan auf der Guyader Bermudes 1000

Es geht los mit dem ersten Rennen der Saison in der Imoca-Klasse.

Alan Roura nimmt derzeit an der Guyader Bermudes 1'000 teil, einer Strecke von 1'200 Seemeilen, die von Brest aus startet.

Media feedback from the press conference

Media feedback from the press conference

Many thanks to the media who reported on the new partnership between Alan Roura and Bonhôte Bank.

Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel
Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel
Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel
Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel
Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel
Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel
Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel

Photos Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel

The announcement of our new partnership with Alan Roura was made yesterday at the Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel.


Bonhôte sets sail as new major sponsor for Alan Roura’s next ocean campaign

Bonhôte sets sail as new major sponsor for Alan Roura’s next ocean campaign

Bonhôte sets sail as new major sponsor for Alan Roura’s next ocean campaign

The contract – signed in early March – covers the upcoming Imoca Globe Series, which the Swiss skipper is preparing to embark on next May, and will culminate with the world-famous Vendée Globe race starting in late 2024, known as the Everest of the Seas.

This partnership was officially unveiled yesterday evening at the Waves Sky Lounge in Neuchâtel, at an event attended by the Bank’s employees and selected clients.

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