UniNE foundation: Bonhôte matches initial capital
New foundation for UniNE: Bonhôte matches initial capital
The University of Neuchâtel is now endowed with a foundation that has been established to raise funds via donations, legacies and other contributions: the “Foundation for the University of Neuchâtel”. After being formed with set-up capital of CHF 50,000, the Foundation has just received its first donation from Banque Bonhôte & Cie SA, which has matched the initial funding.
Like other academic institutions throughout the world that benefit from sizeable endowment funds, a number of Swiss universities are supported by their own foundations, funded by generous private and institutional benefactors. The University of Neuchâtel (UniNE) now also benefits from this type of foundation, which operates independently.
After being formed with set-up capital of CHF 50,000, the Foundation has just received its first donation from Banque Bonhôte & Cie SA, which has matched the initial funding. This is a gesture of thanks by the Neuchâtel-based private bank, several of whose employees and directors studied at UniNE.
The Foundation intends to make use of its funds to support and finance activities and projects that promote the development of the University of Neuchâtel while also facilitating dialogue with partners and donors who are in a position to assist the university to flourish scientifically and academically.
“The financing of this foundation by private and institutional benefactors represents a significant form of support for our university,” says Kilian Stoffel, Rector of the University of Neuchâtel. “We hope that this initial gift will inspire other donors to follow suit, thus ensuring that the University of Neuchâtel continues to thrive. We should like to thank Bonhôte most warmly for its generous support.”
“As a former student of the University of Neuchâtel, I'm delighted that Bonhôte is taking an active part in the first round of financing for the Foundation, which will enable the university to fund a proportion of its future development over the longer term,” adds Jean Berthoud, Chairman of the bank’s Board of Directors. “It is our firm hope that this initiative will be followed by many others, helping to safeguard our alma mater’s place as one of the country’s top-performing academic institutions.”
About Bonhôte
Bonhôte, a Neuchâtel-based private bank whose history stretches back more than 200 years, is primarily active in wealth management. Its workforce numbers approximately one hundred, and its branch network spans the cities of Bern, Biel/Bienne, Geneva, Lausanne, Solothurn and Zurich. Bonhôte has long been committed to environmental and social issues, as attested by the B Corp certification it obtained in November 2021, and is delighted to be assisting the wider community and the next generation through this new initiative.
About the University of Neuchâtel
The University of Neuchâtel (UniNE) is a public university located in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. It has four faculties. Over 4,500 students are currently enrolled. It awards nearly 1,000 qualifications (bachelor’s and master’s degrees, doctorates, certificates) each year. The university has around 750 (full-time equivalent) employees, including 120 professors. https://www.unine.ch