Bank Bonhôte Family Office

Bank Bonhôte Family Office

We make it our business to look after the affairs of families and private clients with our holistic and contemporary approach to meeting individual needs.

What makes the family office concept unique is the wide range of services it brings together under one roof. We aim to deliver a high standard of service by combining comprehensive solutions and increased efficiency through reduced frictional losses. In some cases, our clients decide to entrust us with specific remits; in others they ask us to advise them on and look after their affairs as a whole.

Family office services

Successfully investing and managing wealth over the short, medium and long term requires many years’ experience and expertise, plus one other key factor: time. By working together with Private Client Partners, you can free up time and space to focus on other areas that you enjoy or where you can add value.

Only by taking a holistic view of all sources of wealth (both listed and unlisted) can we build an effective wealth management plan tailored to your needs.

We work with you to develop a personalised strategy that meets your expectations and requirements as well as your risk appetite and tolerance.

Wealth management & advisory

Our ultimate goal is to secure and protect your wealth over the long term and comprehensively represent your interests.

Using the scenarios discussed, we work with you to define your personalised strategic asset allocation and execute it using all our professional expertise. We develop and incorporate a tactical approach by applying insights from independent research and from extensive monitoring of markets (macro-analysis, fixed income, currencies) and geopolitical developments.

These tactics shape either our personal investment recommendations for you (wealth advisory) or the direct action taken upon these (wealth management).

We monitor execution to make sure it is in line with the latest market trends. Should the markets move significantly, we keep you extensively informed to ensure that adjustments can be made as quickly as possible.

We have relationships with more than 15 custodian banks. This allows clients to deposit their assets with different banks and still have them managed centrally. Through the use of a multi-booking asset platform, custodian risks can be minimised and an additional level of discretion can be added.

Asset consolidation & securities accounting

Considering all the different aspects of your portfolio forms the basis of the comprehensive (short, medium and long-term) wealth planning we undertake on your behalf. Alongside listed securities, this includes unlisted assets such as shareholdings, real estate, fine art, private equity, venture capital and digital assets.

For over 20 years, we have been consolidating various sources of wealth independently of banks by harnessing the seasoned expertise of our staff. We use our own software solution to provide transaction-based reporting tailored to your specific requirements, which can then be used as a basis for securities accounting. We guarantee you a high level of efficiency and quality thanks to our highly reliable, tried-and-tested processes.

We manage your living expenses by handling all your payment transactions and transferring them to your personal records, keeping all your receipts either electronically or physically.

We will support you in all administrative and organisational matters. Whether it is managing your personal correspondence or organising your private affairs, the discretion of our valued clients is guaranteed at all times.

Contact us

Philipp Kuchen

Philipp Kuchen

Contact Philipp Kuchen, Head of Private Client Partners
Claude Suter

Claude Suter

Contact Claude Suter, Head of Independent Asset Managers
Family office services

Family office services

We help you and all your family members manage and administer your family wealth from a holistic perspective.

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Multi-bank consolidation services

Multi-bank consolidation services

Wherever your assets are held, we offer an integrated solution that brings them all together in one multi-bank consolidation resource.

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Advisory mandate

Advisory mandate

Even more than providing a comprehensive suite of wealth management services, we seek to build a privileged relationship with each of our clients aimed at fully achieving their objectives.

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