New dress code
It's official: ties are out!
As more and more Millennials join the Bank, we want to go with the flow while retaining a professional, serious image. The new dress code – for all grades of employee – will now be ‘smart casual’.
The purpose of the new dress code is to offer more accommodating conditions for employees at a time when clients, other bankers and suppliers are all changing the way they dress for work. Another reason is that we want to refresh our image by moving with the times.
This tie-less, ‘smart casual’ dress code will apply to ordinary office business and internal events. A format dress code will still be required when meeting clients at the Bank or attending official events. When visiting clients outside the Bank, each manager may freely choose the dress code best suited to the occasion.
Our new policy was designed in collaboration with Neuchâtel-based stylist Emanuelle Künzler, who was asked to define the contours of the new dress code. Each employee was given a half a day of training by Emanuelle on how to capitalise on one’s image and make the most of the new dress code.
“We’re delighted to open up to these new tendencies and offer a professional setting that is more relaxed while still remaining elegant,” said Yves de Montmollin, CEO. “From the outset, we wanted to propose the same working conditions for one and all, with no markers of seniority.”
The new ‘smart casual’ dress code is for everyone – from service personnel, to relationship managers, to executives.