Foundation stone laid at Concept B.180 to mark start of work

Foundation stone laid at Concept B.180 to mark start of work


Tuesday 10 December 2024 will go down in history for Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV. The foundation stone was laid today at the Concept B.180 development, with officials from the city and canton of Neuchâtel in attendance. This event marks the start of construction work.

Concept B.180

The foundation stone was laid at Concept B.180 today in a ceremony that combined traditional and modern elements. The event was attended by several officials, including Crystel Graf (vice-president of the Neuchâtel cantonal government) and Violaine Blétry-de Montmollin (chair of Neuchâtel city council), as well as numerous project partners. The ceremony was conducted in accordance with local customs, with symbolic items meticulously interred beneath the foundation stone, emphasising the project’s dedication to historical context and the aspirations of the communities in relation to the future.

Forward-facing project

The name “Concept B.180” has been chosen to reflect the environmental, social and governance (ESG) dimensions of this project throughout its development. The “B.” is a nod to the project owner, Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV, as well as referring to the Beauregard location, biodiversity and the smart use of timber and concrete (both words beginning with a ‘b’ in French). The “180” refers to the 180-degree unobstructed view from the site and denotes the open-minded approach, creativity and innovation applied to the design of this project.

Four new buildings will be erected, providing a total of 162 housing units in a variety of categories: condominiums, assisted living accommodation, social housing, a cluster for disabled persons, eco-compliant units and standard rentals. The apartments will come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and categories, ranging from studios to 5 1/2 rooms. Two car parks under the buildings will accommodate 145 vehicles, thereby leaving as much land as possible unpaved and encouraging active mobility. The existing Matile building, located at the centre of the site, will be preserved as a memorial and used as a community space for residents.

A webcam has been installed. Progress of the work can be followed on the website dedicated to this new neighbourhood.

Project recap

Concept B.180 commenced strongly in August 2024. The four buildings, comprising 162 housing units and a number of business premises, are scheduled to be handed over in the second half of 2026. An estimated CHF 81 million has been budgeted for the new development.

The laying of the foundation stone is always a memorable moment in a construction project. For the Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV, it marks the culmination of a long process that began with acquisition of the land on 1 April 2016. In October 2019, after evaluating several development scenarios, an anonymous architectural competition was launched for a new neighbourhood in Beauregard-Dessus, Neuchâtel. The project was renamed Concept B.180 in the summer of 2024. No fewer than 63 entries from seven countries were submitted. On 20 August 2020, the jury, composed of individuals from diverse backgrounds, unanimously selected LVPH architects (Fribourg), with whom they had no prior acquaintance. This was followed by regular meetings with neighbourhood associations, local residents and authorities to hear people’s expectations and collaborate on creating a neighbourhood worthy of such an exceptional location. In May 2023, it was noted that the special permit required for the development did not give rise to any objections during the public consultation, which is rare for a project of this magnitude. Once all the administrative formalities had been completed, planning permission was officially granted on 6 June 2024.

Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV

Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV, which was incepted in 2006, is today one of the leading real-estate funds in Western Switzerland with a portfolio currently worth CHF 1.4 billion, representing more than 2,800 residential units and 490 commercial premises totalling 80,000 m2, located across Switzerland. These properties offer yield prospects above the market average. The shareholders of Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV, which is listed on the Swiss stock exchange, are exempted from income and wealth tax in respect of this investment (except movable assets).

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Philippe Salvi

Philippe Salvi

Contact Philippe Salvi, co-manager of the fund
Concept B.180

Concept B.180

The “B.” is a nod to the project owner, Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV, as well as referring to the Beauregard location, and to the notion of biodiversity. The “180” refers to the 180-degree unobstructed view from the site and signifies the open-minded approach, creativity and innovation applied to the design of the project.

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