Bonhôte-Immobilier SICAV - Immo'21
Bonhôte-Immobilier at the online Immo’21 trade fair – 20 & 21 January
The Immo’21 trade fair, which is also open to the general public, will because of the pandemic be held online this year.
In total, 29 roundtable discussions will be moderated by leaders in the property sector, enabling participants to gain information on the latest trends and innovations.
To sign up or view the agenda, simply visit www.swisspropertyfair.ch.
It is also possible to download the event prospectus: IMMO'Magazine (French) or IMMO'Magazin (German)
We look forward to seeing you online.
Kindest regards,

For further information, please contact Philippe Salvi, fund co-manager
032 722 10 18